Bachechi Open Space
Bernalillo County
Green Infrastructure & LID
Landscape Architecture
Physical Master Planning
Open Space & Wildlands
NMASLA Award of Merit in the category of Design Constructed, 2016
New Mexico Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects, 2011 Design Award
Bachechi Open Space Park is one of Albuquerque's most popular attractions, with pedestrians, bicyclists, hikers, equestrians, and nature enthusiasts all enjoying it. It's the starting point for a 21-mile hike through the Bosque and the Rio Grande Valley State Park.
The park features a mostly native-plant urban forest, wildlife watching stations, picnic areas, and hiking trails. Roof water from the Environmental Education building is collected in above-ground cisterns and utilized to irrigate the landscape. On-site earthwork is an important part of the park's water conservation strategy. Several moist soil and xeric depressions replicate the nearby bosque by harvesting water from surrounding surfaces. Plants thrive in this system, which also draws wildlife. To maintain precipitation on site for the vegetation, all grading is designed to collect water from hard and soft surfaces.
A wetland boardwalk, a restored historic pecan orchard, and a working arboretum are all part of the Bachechi Open Space Park. The design of this fantastic park was shaped by a lot of collaboration and public participation.